Friday, March 20, 2009

Brainstorming for the Sample Multimodal Assignment

It might just be my general level of exhaustion and near-burnout, but I am considering some off-the-wall topics for my sample multimodal assignment. I said to my wife, "I need a topic for my academic weblog." She replied, "What?" I clarified, "I need an academic topic." Then before she could reply, I said, "How about Human Trafficking?"

On the one hand, the thought of a non-English-related topic was refreshing and exciting. On the other hand, I realized how depressing it would be to write about Human Trafficking.

Then I thought of a more fun topic: a New Historicist analysis of the movie "300." I have presented this analysis to my writing students as a way of introducing analysis as a concept, practicing analysis, and discussing analytical frameworks. So I am familiar with it, and I know it can be applied to teaching. Plus, this topic could easily lend itself to multimodality and hyperlinking.

Well, I guess I've talked myself into it.

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