Thursday, February 12, 2009


If everyone else has been as busy as I've been lately, then no one has had time to work on their technology narratives, let alone post feedback on others' narratives. So this general feedback shouldn't be wasted. I was going to post individualized feedback, but it's been a week since I saw all the narratives and I'm not sure which narrative goes with which person. Plus, I'm not entirely sure about the ownership of all the blogs. In any case, posting general comments to my blog is probably more efficient anyway, since theoretically everyone will read this post.

In general, I liked the content and creativity of each of the narratives. Each site featured the author's unique perspective and approach. The text, graphics, and other elements all reflected cohesive narratives that informed the audience about the author's experience and the broader issues/concerns of technological change. In terms of constructive criticism, I noticed that most of the sites did not incorporate graphics or other media in a rhetorical manner. In other words, the pictures were usually placed between blocks of text without aesthetic consideration. I've noticed that most professional websites place graphics, buttons, videos, etc. in a way that directs the viewer's attention to them while simultaneously allowing the viewer to ignore or skip over them to focus on the text itself. Obviously, we're all beginning web-designers who are still learning how to use google sites, so I'm sure that our revisions will vastly improve in this area.

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