Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Meta-Discourse on Technology Narrative

In my narrative, I am progressing chronologically through my most noteworthy experiences with computers. I started with my first major experience and moved on to the major experiences/uses of my youth. I plan to describe my more recent experiences using technology as a teacher/student. Finally, I will conclude with some general reflections.

Interestingly, I've been focusing on the textual aspect of my narrative and neglecting other media. It makes sense that I would want to devote most of my energy in the early stages to something I'm already comfortable with, while saving the things I'm less comfortable/experienced with for later stages of my "composing" (I use composing loosely since this narrative is multimedia). This way, I can rest assured that I have a strong base that can only be complemented effectively or ineffectively, not destroyed or marred. To use a house-building analogy: once I lay the foundation and build the frame of my narrative (website), I can more freely experiment with the wall-paper and carpeting.

The above makes sense for any kind of "composing" (or creative systems-building, if you will). George Jensen and John DiTiberio describe in "Personality and Individual Writing Processes" how writers have "preferred" and "non-preferred" writing processes based on their personality traits; writers tend to use their preferred processes early in the writing process and then consciously use their non-preferred processes when revising in order to round out their writing. Not only is this concept really helpful for understanding one's own writing process, overcoming writing blocks, etc., but it also greatly aids teaching.


Unknown said...

I ended up doing the same thing. Even with plans in my head for photos, recordings, and other kinds of multimedia, I found that I couldn't get anywhere until I'd actually done all the writing. I'm fascinated by the theory you've presented to back it up--I wasn't aware that so much had been done specifically on that.

Sam said...

I agree with both of you on the fact that the writing should come first. I can only get all the writing done, or at least have the frame work, then I can move on to think about how to get other medias to go with it. If I write and try to get other things at the same time, I will be lost in the search of proper stuff to support my writing.