Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Return to Blogging

To everyone who used to read this blog and who might stumble across it again, I am returning to blogging after a long hiatus, once again for a class. This time, I'm taking Eng 625: Rhetoric of Digitial Spaces. New blog posts will feature my responses to class discussion topics, reflections on the role of technology in Composition and teaching, etc.

I chose to return to my old blog because it is already set up more or less to my liking. I will probably change the title at some point, when I can think of a suitably apt yet creative title (Eng 625 Blog just seemed soooo boring). I may change the background, but right now I'm reasonably happy with it. Just good old plain brown to mark a stark contrast with the text. Essentially, my reason for using this old blog boils down to convenience. It was already set up for me to begin blogging away.

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